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THRILLDREN MJ2 "Project 8 29 17 @ 39 Minutes of 77 Minutes" (Part A) Full Length Album (LP) Suite No.8 29 17 "Compilation Exchange." This track (mix) is the "MJ FANS PT2!" first half (39 minutes) of 77 Minutes. Due to ongoing technical difficulties the Full Length uninterrupted 77 minute piece divides into two separate tracks (mixes A and B). A few tracks (mixes) were deleted and a few were added. This track (mix) as well as the mixes at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites are not for sale (etc.) nor are they to be distributed. The tracks (mixes) are samples, a Tribute to Michael Jackson. If capable of downloading or copying any of the samples (mixes) from any of the 6 MJ Music Tribute Sites (#7 THRILLDREN2) pending, the tracks (mixes) are strictly for personal listening entertainment. 2009-2020+ (c) "IN TRIBUTE 2 MICHAEL JACKSON, ALL TRACKS (MIXES) AT THE 6 MJ MUSIC TRIBUTE WEBSITES ARE CHILDREN'S PROJECTS. AN INHERITANCE FROM UNCLE MJ 2 THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!"

Instrumental Classical (Orchestral) Pop Rock R&B Latin Hip Hop Electronica Soul Big Band African Caribbean Rasta-Jamaicanism (Still Processing) In addition, all tracks (mixes) at the 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites including (#7) will include Classical (Orchestral) pieces. The compositions will still include the Pop, Rock, R&B, Latin, Country, Hip Hop, Soul, Jazz, Funk, Punk, Electronica, Swing, Big Band, Industrial, Techno, etc. genres.

00:00 / 39:27

THRILLDREN MJ2 "Project 8 29 17 @ 37 Minutes of 77 Minutes" (Part B) Full Length Album (LP) Suite No. 8 29 17 "Compilation Exchange." This track (mix) is the "MJ FANS PT2!" second half (37 minutes) of 77 Minutes. Due to ongoing technical difficulties the full length uninterrupted 77 minute piece divides into two separate tracks (mixes A and B). A few tracks (mixes) were deleted and a few were added. This track (mix) as well as the mixes at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites are not for sale (etc.) nor are they to be distributed. The tracks (mixes) are samples, a Tribute to Michael Jackson. If capable of downloading or copying any of the samples (mixes) from any of the 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites (#7 THRILLDREN2) pending, the tracks (mixes) are strictly for personal listening entertainment. 2009-2020+ (c) "IN TRIBUTE 2 MICHAEL JACKSON, ALL TRACKS (MIXES) AT THE 6 MJ MUSIC TRIBUTE WEBSITES ARE CHILDREN'S PROJECTS. AN INHERITANCE FROM UNCLE MJ 2 THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!"

Instrumental Classical (Orchestral) Pop Rock R&B Jazz Latin Hip Hop Electronica Soul Big Band African Caribbean Rasta-Jamaicanism (Still Processing) In addition, all tracks (mixes) at the 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites including (#7) will include Classical (Orchestral) pieces. The compositions will still include the Pop, Rock, R&B, Latin, Country, Hip Hop, Soul, Jazz, Funk, Punk, Electronica, Swing, Big Band, Industrial, Techno, etc. genres.

00:00 / 37:32

THRILLDREN MJ2 "Asian Cultural THRILLDREN's Symph2 Suite No.8 29 17 (2017 REmix) c 'ALL NEW SLIGHTLY REMIXED MATERIAL!" This track (mix) is the 5 minute+ "MJ FANS PT2!" 8 29 17 REmix (n process). This track (mix) as well as the mixes at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites are not for sale (etc.) nor are they to be distributed. The tracks (mixes) are samples, a Tribute to Michael Jackson. If capable of downloading or copying any of the samples (mixes) from any of the 6 MJ Music Tribute Sites (#7 THRILLDREN2) pending, the tracks (mixes) are strictly for personal listening entertainment. 2009-2020+ (c) "IN TRIBUTE 2 MICHAEL JACKSON, ALL TRACKS (MIXES) AT LEGACY'S 6 MJ MUSIC TRIBUTE WEBSITES ARE CHILDREN'S PROJECTS. AN INHERITANCE FROM UNCLE MJ 2 THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!

Instrumental Classical (Orchestral) Pop Big Band Rock Funk Hip Hop (Still Processing) In addition, all tracks (mixes) at the 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites including (#7) will include Classical (Orchestral) pieces. The compositions will still include the Pop, Rock, R&B, Latin, Country, Hip Hop, Soul, Jazz, Funk, Punk, Swing, Electronica, Big Band, Industrial, Techno, etc. genres. (ONGOING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES ARE PREVENTING THE PUBLISHING/POSTING OF CURRENT UP TO DATE FULL LENGTH ALBUMS (LP). THE TECHNICAL ISSUES RELATING TO THE 86 MINUTE AND 77 MINUTE UP TO DATE "THRILLDREN" COMPILATION EXCHANGE MIXES (TRACKS) ARE IN THE PROCESS OF RESOLVING, PENDING SOLUTIONS).

00:00 / 05:42

MJ 8 29 17 "THRILLDREN" Project A Side (38 minutes 6 seconds of 77 Minutes) Suite No. 8 29 17 (2017) c The 77 Minute Full Length Album (LP) track (mix) divided into A (38 minutes 6 seconds) and B (39 minutes 03 seconds) Sides. This track (mix) is the 38 Minute "MJ FANS PT2!" Side A 8 29 17 MJ "THRILLDREN" Mix (n process.) ...CONTINUING... (EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, RESOLVING ISSUES.) This track (mix) as well as the mixes at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites are not for sale (etc.) nor are they to be distributed. The tracks (mixes) are samples, a Tribute to Michael Jackson. If capable of downloading or copying any of the samples (mixes) from any of the 6 MJ Music Tribute Sites (#7 THRILLDREN2) pending, the tracks (mixes) are strictly for personal listening entertainment. 2009-2020+ (c) "IN TRIBUTE 2 MICHAEL JACKSON, ALL TRACKS (MIXES) AT THE 6 MJ MUSIC TRIBUTE WEBSITES ARE "CHILDREN'S" PROJECTS. AN INHERITANCE FROM UNCLE MJ 2 THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!" (TRACK LISTING AT page "PROJECT THRILLDREN 77+2")

Instrumental Classical (Orchestral) Pop Electronica R&B Industrial Latin Jazz African Funk Caribbean Rasta-Jamaicanism Swing Big Band (Still Processing) In addition, all tracks (mixes) at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites including (#7) will include Classical (Orchestral) pieces. The compositions will still include the Pop, Rock, R&B, Latin, Country, Hip Hop, Soul, Jazz, Funk, Punk, Electronica, Swing, Big Band, Industrial, Techno, etc. genres.

00:00 / 38:00

MJ 8 29 17 "THRILLDREN Side B (39 Minutes of 77 Minutes) Suite No. 8 29 17 (2017) c The 77 Minute Full Length Album (LP) track (mix) divided into A (38 minutes 6 seconds) and B (39 minutes 03 seconds) Sides. This track (mix) is the 39 Minute "MJ FANS PT2!" Side B 8 29 17 MJ "THRILLDREN" Mix (n process)...CONTINUING... (EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, RESOLVING ISSUES.) This track (mix) as well as the mixes at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites are not for sale (etc.) nor are they to be distributed. The tracks (mixes) are samples, a Tribute to Michael Jackson. If capable of downloading or copying any of the samples (mixes) from any of the 6 MJ Music Tribute Sites (#7 THRILLDREN2) pending, the tracks (mixes) are strictly for personal listening entertainment. 2009-2020+ (c) "IN TRIBUTE 2 MICHAEL JACKSON, ALL TRACKS (MIXES) AT THE 6 MJ MUSIC TRIBUTE WEBSITES ARE "CHILDREN'S" PROJECTS. AN INHERITANCE FROM UNCLE MJ 2 THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!" (TRACK LISTING AT page "PROJECT THRILLDREN 77+2")

Instrumental Classical (Orchestral) Pop Electronica R&B Industrial Latin Jazz African Funk Caribbean Rasta-Jamaicanism (Still Processing) In addition, all tracks (mixes) at the 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites including (#7) will include Classical (Orchestral) pieces. The compositions will still include the Pop, R&B, Rock, Latin, Country, Hip Hop, Soul, Jazz, Funk, Punk, Electronica, Swing, Big Band, Industrial, Techno, etc. genres.

00:00 / 38:57

8 29 17 Project THRILLDREN "MJs THRILLDREN Of AHZ Symph" Suite No. 8 29 17 (REmix of AHZ) "ALL NEW" ADDED AND SLIGHT ADJUSTED MATERIAL!" (n process). The track (mix) will be added to the 77 minute mix and or 86 minute piece n process. The track (mix) taken from (mix 28) and In addition, the mix pending adjustments will become one of the tracks (mixes) at the 2018-2019 upcoming "THRILLDREN2" MJ Music Tribute Site. This track (mix) is the extended 6 minute "MJ FANS PT2 THRILLDREN Of AHZ" Mix (n process). The track (mix) as well as the mixes at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites are not for sale (etc.) nor are they to be distributed. The track (mix) is a sample, a Tribute to Michael Jackson. If capable of downloading or copying any of the samples (mixes) from any of the 6 MJ Music Tribute Sites (#7 THRILLDREN2) pending, the tracks (mixes) are strictly for personal listening entertainment. 2009-2020+ (c) "IN TRIBUTE 2 MICHAEL JACKSON, ALL TRACKS (MIXES) AT THE 6 MJ MUSIC TRIBUTE WEBSITES ARE CHILDREN'S PROJECTS. AN INHERITANCE FROM UNCLE MJ 2 THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!"

Instrumental Classical (Orchestral) Pop Rock R&B Jazz Electronica Hip Hop (Still Processing) In addition, all tracks (mixes) at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites including (#7) will include Classical (Orchestral) pieces. The compositions will still include the Pop, Rock, R&B, Latin, Country, Hip Hop, Soul, Jazz, Funk, Punk, Electronica, Swing, Big Band, Industrial, Techno, etc. genres.

**8 29 17 Project THRILLDREN "MJs THRILLDREN From Eerie AHZ Symph B" Suite No. 8 29 17 HBMJ (REmix of AHZ) 2017 (c) "ALL NEW ADDED AND SLIGHT ADJUSTED MATERIAL!" (n process). The track (mix) is a 3 minute+ "MJ FANS PT2!" AS IS or AHZ IS NO THRILLS MIX (n process). The track (MID Mix) taken from (mix 28) and, and may or may not be included in the 86 and 77 Minute Mixes. In addition, this track (mix) as well as the mixes at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites are not for sale (etc.) nor are they to be distributed. The tracks (mixes) are samples, a Tribute to Michael Jackson. If capable of downloading or copying any of the tracks (mixes) from any of the 6 MJ Music Tribute Sites (#7 THRILLDREN2) pending, the tracks (mixes) are strictly for personal listening entertainment. 2009-2020+ (c) "IN TRIBUTE 2 MICHAEL JACKSON, ALL TRACKS (MIXES) AT THE 6 MJ MUSIC TRIBUTE WEBSITES ARE CHILDREN'S PROJECTS. AN INHERITANCE FROM UNCLE MJ 2 THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!"

Instrumental Classical (Orchestral) Pop R&B Rock Jazz Electronica Hip Hop (Still Processing) In addition, all tracks (mixes) at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites including (#7) will include Classical (Orchestral) pieces. The compositions will still include the Pop, R&B, Rock, Latin, Country, Hip Hop, Soul, Jazz, Funk, Punk, Electronica, Swing, Big Band, Industrial, Techno, etc. genres.

8 29 17 Project THRILLDREN "AHZ R Hush THRILLDREN's Symph C" Suite No. 8 29 17 HBMJ (Remix R AHZ) "ALL NEW ADDED SLIGHT ADJUSTED MATERIAL!" This track (mix) is the 5 minute+ "MJ FANS PT2!" Mix (n process). As with the 2 preceding mixes, the mix taken from and slightly remixed from "MJs THRILLDREN (CHILL DREN) Of Eeriewhere, (mix 28) and (Project 7 1/2 and Project Xtras. The track (mix) will post/publish to This track (mix) as well as the mixes at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites are not for sale (etc.) nor are they to be distributed. The tracks (mixes) are samples, a Tribute to Michael Jackson. If capable of downloading or copying any of the samples (mixes) from any of the 6 MJ Music Tribute Sites (#7 THRILLDREN2) pending, the tracks (mixes) are strictly for personal listening entertainment. 2009-2020+ (c) "IN TRIBUTE 2 MICHAEL JACKSON, ALL TRACKS (MIXES) AT THE 6 MJ MUSIC TRIBUTE WEBSITES ARE CHILDREN'S PROJECTS. AN INHERITANCE FROM UNCLE MJ 2 THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!"

Instrumental Classical (Orchestral) Pop R&B Rock Latin Soul Funk Hip Hop Electronica (Still Processing). In addition, all tracks (mixes) at the 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites including (#7) will include Classical (Orchestral) pieces. The compositions will still include the Pop, Rock, R&B, Latin, Country, Hip Hop, Funk, Punk, Soul, Jazz, Electronica, Swing, Big Band, Industrial, Techno, etc. genres.

**THRILLDREN MJ2 "CAUTION THRILLDREN @ Playback 2011" H2017BMJ "AS IS" REmix (n process). This track (mix) is the 6 minute+ "MJ FANS PT2!" slight adjusted "AS IS" Remix. 2nd slight adjustment on or before July 25 2017. The track (mix) will be included in the 86 minute and or 77 minute Full Out, Full Length 8 29 2017 Album (LP) Mix (n process). The track (mix) may be included in the upcoming 2018/2019 "THRILLDREN2" MJ Music Tribute Website, pending adjustments. This mix taken from, "CAUTION" mix 30 of 40.+ This track (mix) as well as the mixes at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites are not for sale (etc.) nor are they to be distributed. The tracks (mixes) are samples, a Tribute to Michael Jackson. If capable of downloading or copying any of the samples (mixes) from any of the 6 MJ Music Tribute Sites (#7 THRILLDREN2) pending, the tracks (mixes) are strictly for personal listening entertainment. 2009-2020+ (c) "IN TRIBUTE 2 MICHAEL JACKSON, ALL TRACKS (MIXES) AT THE 6 MJ MUSIC TRIBUTE WEBSITES ARE CHILDREN'S PROJECTS. AN INHERITANCE FROM UNCLE MJ 2 THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!"

Instrumental Rock R&B Pop Funk Electronica Reggae (Still Processing) In addition, all tracks (mixes) at Legacy's 6 MJ Music Tribute Websites including (#7) will include Classical (Orchestral) pieces. The compositions will still include the Pop, Rock, R&B, Latin, Country, Soul, Jazz, Funk, Punk, Electronica, Swing, Big Band, Industrial, Techno, etc. genres.

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