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CHILLER Pt2 (MJs New 50s Groove) "RareShift" Pre Happy Birthday Michael Jackson mix (REmix 4a of 25+) 2013-14 (c) "This track is the Pre HBMJ mix. The mix will divide into a 3 minute+ Mike gro mini mix. 7 minute+ Mike Gro mini mix and a 10 minute+ Macro Mini Mix. However, the 7 and 10 minute mixes will upload to" (through August 29 2013) This track will become part of the ProjectMJ "Project2.

Instrumental Pop R&B Rock (Still Processing) "Poachers command, supply and demand, ELEPHANTS DAMNED. Time will stop and bring you back (the winds). Stop again and bring one back (the winds). Stop again and bring them back (the winds), until the command demands to be damned."

Chiller Pt2 (MJ2 New Stormin 50s Groove) Project2 "RareShift" 2nd part of mix (mix 4b of 25+) 2013-14 (c) "Original mix can be heard on the home page of this site, REmix 4b of 25+. This track is the 3 minute+ Mike gro mini mix n process (7 minute+ total).10 minute+ (concluding 3 minute+) Macro Mini Album Mix follows this track, aka T 8 18 9 12 12 5 18two."

Instrumental R&B Rock Pop (Still Processing) "Happy Early Birthday Michael Jackson! From Your Noble global Fan Community!" Fan Bases Loaded!

Chiller Pt2 (MJs Timpani 50s groove) "ShiftBack" Project2 HBMJ (Remix 4c of 25+) 2014 (c) ""This track is the concluding 3 minute+ (10 minute+) piece. Remixing and tuning will continue until August 29 2014. This track will also become 1 of 2 tracks (T 8 18 9 12 12 5 18two) on this site and Project2 Chiller Pt2 the only project that will host (2) T 8 18 9 12 12 5 18two mixes." Happy Early Early Birthday Michael Jackson! This Track Powered By Your Noble Global Fan Community!" Loading The Bases!

Instrumental R&B Classical Pop Jazz Rock (Still Processing) W-ll Str--t2. Statue Of Liberty (= Astarte aka Ashtoreth, Artemis, Athena, Nike a minor goddess) Quote: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest - tossed, to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." (This quote is so beautiful, it just takes my breath away.) However, BIG misquote. Quote? Not all together true (myth, mistake, fib, lie, talltale, Jack and the Beanstalk) a lot has been left unsaid. Misquote by design, if you will. Mz. Libbie left out some important stuff, this was not (in a remote sense) some kind of charity mission. We forgot to add, 1000's were turned back at the golden door to the promise land. Many that had certain diseases, including mental challenges, physical challenges etc. were turned away at the golden door. As a result, people had to make that long trip back across the atlantic which no doubt caused many hardships, untold stress and confusion, on the part of loved ones. Remember way back when the Native Americans invited certain ones here "with open arms," they brought along stuff as well, were they turned away? No. (Another clever move in the interest of the flourishing industrial revolution.) Long story short, Mz. libbie was in the market for assets not liabilities. However, the sorting and culling continued...

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