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Snatched right out of the atmosphere (if you will), without the aid of modern means of communications technology. And it goes like this: "We can't get to him, their surrounding (protecting) him."

Now, if they are admitting behind the scenes (behind closed doors) that their impotent (powerless), what will happen when this thing goes international? More up and on the way...!

Update April 20 2014: "Their Concern" Security Leak. "Response" Not necessarily. There is just a lot of stuff up there floating around that's up for grabs. That's all!

"Provocation's Debut" (Phase 2) The Winds.

Update April 21 2014: True or False #2 "The computers (etc.) you and I utilize, are they capable of doing more than you think? Things they are not suppose to do or know? (The challenge to no!) Can they react to one's thoughts in foresight and hindsight? (they are truly amazing, I must say.) Who would ever guess? On second thought, let them do it." Are we there yet? More of Earth's secrets up and coming! (The Winds? Lockdown? = "The Confrontation" Phase 2).

Update April 26 2014: Here's one for you movie buffs. What was the name of the movie that came out May 2001 and by sheer coincidence (or lack thereof) correspond or was a parallel to an event that took place later that year (late Summer). Was it? (A) "Your A Lie In A Grit" (The Sequel). (B) Pe_rl H_rbor (C) "The Confrontation" (Phase 2) Or (D) None Of The Above.

Update May 6 2014: "In response to the inferences and references. You know, some issues cease to amaze me. How is it that some individuals can use God's word (The Scriptures), play twist and turn with it as if it were some type of contortionist past time? These individuals take particular Biblical verses (that work well with them), knead and roll the verses until they have served up a loaf of lies. Applying the scriptures to certain individuals, situations and or events, tailoring verses to suit one's curriculum is clearly deceptive and not keeping in line with truth. I do not know about you all, however, I'm waiting for the "stones to cry out." (Luke Chapter 19 Verse 40) What a welcome relief that will be." Continuing... May 7 2014: Keeping these people stuck at an Elementary School Level (Spiritually Speaking) amounts to Spiritual Arrested Development. These are adults your teaching and informing. At least for God's Sake take them at least to a level comparable to a Spiritual High School Level.

Believe it or not, keeping the flock in this state of spiritual inertia, allows the movers to continue making moves on the faithful. Keep the other half of the truth inaccessible to the flock, and the flock keeps longing back for more. The "Elusive Truth" eludes the flock which in fact is accessible, only to some however.

More on the aforementioned topic for consideration, a questioning. In my opinion another one of those wonders of the world. How is it that (by a stretch of the imagination) some individuals are privileged to RE script the Scriptures and it is totally alright (in some circles)? However, if you or I would follow the exact format, we would be labeled hypocrite, apostate, false prophets etc.? (sounds like an exclusive club to me).

Lastly, what if they are right up in there as well? (Luke Chapter 4 Verses 33-35).

The one (many) in scripture was called legion. (Mark Chapter 5 Verses 1-17 in particular verse 9.) What are the current, modern day called? You will also be surprised where they and their counterparts reside or inhabit the most. Hint: it is not obvious.

Update on or before May 20 2014: How is Miss Zilla doing? She's always so cranky. Are there similarities to something else or someone else that is cranky? Could there be some type of metaphorical, allegorical reference, that is not so obvious? Why is Miss Zilla in San Fran? Is There some link between her symbolic, metaphorical counterpart? Does it have something to do with the huge monument there constructed in sections which makes reference to The Bible book of Revelation Chapter 16 Verse 14 however, in symbolic, metaphoric, allegorical language? Remember Miss Zilla drags anything and everything in her path. As she continues her world tour starting in the far east (20th century back in the day) she seems to make stops at certain locations dragging and gathering nations and so on. Referencing the bible here, it appears that reptiles, lizards, dragons and snakes figure prominently. The Bible book of Genesis Chapter 3 Verses 1-15, Exodus Chapter 4 Verse 3, Numbers Chapter 21 Verses 8 and 9, Revelation Chapter 12 Verses 1-17, Revelation Chapter 13 Verses 1-18 and Revelation Chapter 17 Verse 3, 8-14. Is there a symbolic reason why a female reptile was chosen to play the part. Lastly, this one is a far stretch of the imagination. Believe it or not Reptiles also figure prominently in our day to day routines. For instance, certain highways, freeways, on and off ramps give the illusion of the roadway moving, slithering much like a lizard. (caution while driving, do not allow oneself to be distracted, looking for this image.) More on the way...

Update May 19 2014: "We interrupt this session to bring you all some interesting find facts. If by chance y'all think your stuff is just sitting there collecting dust or interest, think again. When and if this Ponzi (Not Fonzie) thing finally gives and everyone (or almost everyone) decides to take their stuff out at the same time, some of y'all are going to be some sorry (??????.) Play your cards shrewdly, they are. Pardon the expression, I insinuate because of the importance, Luke Chapter 16 Verse 9. Back to session. I do not know about you all (critics included). However, Miss Zilla seems a bit cranky, her reptile temper is notorious. What can one make of her? To me she resembles a mix or remix if you will, of a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Stegosaurus. How about a hybrid (there is a lot of that going around as well.) Whatever the species watch out for that tail. Remember in the other movie, Stego swooped that tail from behind it's huge body? Now that was a real close encounter. Speaking of tails (not tales), symbolically, metaphorically speaking it is the tail or what is left behind that sometimes causes the most damage. Whatever or whomever Zilla represents (political etc.) sometimes the effects or consequences of what is passed, enacted or ruled, will not become evident for years, decades or even generations. Is there some kind of trail that has been left as a result of some enactment or passing of something? (yes.)

Remember this, there are some pictures, portraits and paintings one may admire that are part of the décor in some office buildings, state, fed. buildings, hospitals, schools, places of worship etc. These pictorial decorations may have 2, 3, 4 or more pictures in one. No we are not talking holograms (that is a whole different subject). The pictorial decorations may be that of a beautiful scene, such as an orchard grove, the sky or (I'll let you pick one to your liking). However, the subjective, covert, clandestine hidden picture(s) within the main objective, overt or prominent picture may very well be one the observer would object to or be repulsed, if made plain or evident. Are there other hidden symbols on this journey or trek Miss Zilla is pursuing so fervently? (yes) For one Miss Liberty seems to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. (so much for freedom) Could it be one goddess per continent or planet? There are a number of contestants in this battle although Zilla seems to be the only star. (Revelation Chapter 12 Verse 3 and 4. There are other contenders and more than likely, humans may not be the only ones. Could there be another symbolic, metaphoric, allegorical application. (yes.) If one has noticed, Zilla seems to be restructuring things (people, places and things) as she drags along. What could this mean objectively, overtly, literally? Possibly mergers, acquisitions, disolution and downsizing, out with the old and in with the new. (Updating Continuing) So far so long Miss Zilla has become a bit restless as she advances. Is it likely as she continues her world tour over a stretch of time and all of this restructuring has made her cranky? Speaking of pictures, paintings and portraits, if one would observe the proverbial forest instead of the individual trees one may be able to discern the goings on behind the scenes. Is it possible in view of the time, Miss Zilla could be advancing us toward this symbolic mark (tag, code, scan.) Revelation Chapter 13 Verses 16-18, Verses 11-15 Bonus Verses.

Lastly, One of Zilla's more favorable qualities is attitude. One can catch a glimpse (sense or see) from her roaring. What could this roar symbolize, metaphorically? Could it be to summon everyone's attention? A sort of heralding of something on the horizon? What about this call from the wild mentioned at 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 Verse 3. This call or roar (at times subtle, other times resounding) has been a theme since the early part of the 20th century...

Update May 23 2014: Zill's counterpart, figurative, emblematic, metaphoric, symbolic or literal interpretation most likely involved the power structure who are symbolically portrayed in the Scriptures (Bible) as reptiles, lizards, dragons, froglike expressions etc. Mountains are also portrayed as power structures (political) Daniel Chapter 2 Verses 44 and 45; Revelation Chapter 6 Verse 16; Isaiah Chapter 41 Verses 14-16 also Isaiah Chapter 65 Verse 25; Jeremiah Chapter 51 Verse 25 and Habakkuk Chapter 3 Verse 6. Remember that part in the flick? Whether land or sea, Zill resembled a huge mountain at times. What usually happens when they want change or to take the masses in a different direction, there's a shift a major event or advent that occurs. The effects or results of the shift may not be felt or realized for years or generations however, the effect gains momentum overtime, subtly, lest they cause a disturbance, raised eye brows or the proverbial red flag. As Zill drags along, buttons, cords (chords), bells and whistles were being pushed, pulled and punched (maneuvered) from behind the scenes.

Remember, their also receiving information from these things on other frequencies, planes, levels, vibrations and world's. These things clearly have no interest or altruistic concern for the public or the world at large. Just to add, I'm getting so board (bored) with all these symbols and things (Zzzzzzzz) You Film Me? ...continuing. (Do not be surprised if J-rass-c Park and them, (pause) well, let's not go there, at least not yet or for now.)...Continuing

Update June 9 2014: Tower Of Babel? Genesis Chapter 11 Verses 1-9. Well guess what? Their bringing it back (or at least trying to). No! Not a literal structure. Remember according to the Genesis account, it started with an idea, a mind set.

In modern times, it is true there are people (inhabitants) in all parts of the earth. However, this oneness mentality has been shaping up for sometime now (mergers, downsizing, upsizing, dissolution, one this and one that, etc.) CONTINUING... THE 1950'S flick ____ OF EDEN? A POSSIBLE LINK TO REVELATION CHAPTER 18 VERSES 1-24? CONTINUING... Hint: Toward end of the film when the proverbial good son (prim and proper) finds out the truth about his mother, his mind switches to the off position (snap). The Revelation Chapter 18 Verses 1-24 account. Once the adherents of Babylon The Great (etc.) find out the truth, that many of the teachings they adhered to were false, some of them will shut down as the proverbial good son from the flick ____ Of EDEN experienced. 

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